中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間6月29日,阿里巴巴集團董事局主席馬雲在世界智慧大會上表示,未來的社會應當想辦法讓人活得更像人、機器更像機器。
CNCAO NEWS On June 29 Beijing Time,Chairman of Board of the Alibaba Group Jack Ma said at the World Intelligence Congress that the future society should try to make human beings live more like human beings and machines are more like machines.
In Jack Ma’s opinion,today's Artificial Intelligence is often the case that let machines imitate human beings and make machines do what human beings do, but it is a superficial comprehension of “Intelligence”.
Jack Ma thinks that Intelligence Era is to solve the problem human can’t solve and to learn something human don’t know. Thus, human beings should to find and do more valuable things and machines should do what people can’t do. “Human beings should respect and stand in awe of the intelligence of machines.”said Jack Ma.
來源: 中國網 | 作者:見習邱玉潔 陳萍萍譯 | 責編:邱玉潔 審核:張淵
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