中國網浪潮資訊 法國當地時間6月28日晚,杭州歌劇舞劇院舞蹈劇場《遇見大運河》在法國尼斯國家歌劇院上演。
CNCAO NEWS At the night of June 28th, France local time, Hangzhou Opera and Ballet Theatre’s dance theatre To Meet the Grand Canal performed in National Theatre of Nice, France.
According to the introduction from Cui Wei , the director of this theatre, dance theatre To Meet the Grand Canal absorbed the modernist elements of expression. It not only shows the historical features of the Grand Canal, but also expressed the reflections on the realistic fate of cultural heritage.
By the invitation of Nice municipal government, France & China Art and Culture Exchange Center, the UNESCO and other groups, dance theatre To Meet the Grand Canal would go to France, the United Kingdom, Egypt, the United States, Panama and other over ten countries or areas, tell the world about Chinese stories.
來源: 中國網 | 作者:楊雲寒 張旭譯 | 責編:陳丹娜 審核:張淵
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