中國網浪潮資訊 中國市場上賣到三四十元錢一個球的進口冰激淩,核心配方竟然掌握在寧波一家食品企業手裏。而這對於這家企業並非新鮮事,從印有洋文的果醬到打著名牌的麵條,全球二十余家食品界大牌都與這家企業脫不了干系。據浙江當地媒體稱,這家企業就是“美食界”的“幕後大佬”。
CNCAO NEWS One ball of an imported ice cream could be sold for 30 to 40 yuan in Chinese market and its core formula was unexpectedly mastered by a food enterprise in Ningbo. And it was not fresh news to this enterprise. There were more than twenty food major brands worldwide connecting with this enterprise from the jam printed foreign language to the noodle with famous brand. According to Zhejiang local media, this enterprise was the “mogul behind the scenes” of “food world”.
It was reported that this enterprise was founded in 1985 which started by producing frozen vegetables and undertook compensation trade with Japan. In 2003, this enterprise set up research and development teams and laboratories and took 5% of the sales into product research and development every year. At present, the company produced more than 200 kinds of food and its ice cream had been settled on by some international food brands.
來源: 中國網 | 作者: 楊雲寒 任嫻譯 | 責編:邱玉潔 審核:張淵
新聞投稿 新聞熱線:13157110107
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