中國網浪潮資訊 畢業于寧波諾丁漢大學工業設計專業的杭州女孩曾佳旎近日獲得美國哈佛大學和麻省理工學院的錄取通知書,同時還獲得了芝加哥藝術學院、美國西北大學、羅德島設計學院等多所全球一流設計院校的邀請。據稱,這位杭州女孩竟然不是“學霸”。
CNCAO NEWS Hangzhou girl Zeng Jia'ni who graduated from University of Nottingham Ningbo Industrial Design Major recently not only received the admission notice from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but also invited by many World-Class Design Schools like School of Art Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University, Rhode Island School of Design and others.The Hangzhou girl is said to be not a "Excellent Student".
曾佳旎之所以會被名校哄搶,是因為她在寧波諾丁漢大學期間,在導師施毅騰博士的指導和合作下,斬獲了多達9項設計界的國際大獎,其中包括有“設計界奧斯卡獎”之稱的紅點設計大獎(Red Dot Design Award)。
The reason why Zeng Jia'ni is so popular with the elite schools is that she has won 9 international awards in the design world including Red Dot Design Award which is also called “The Academy Awards in the Design World” under the guidance and cooperation of the supervisor Dr Shi Yiteng during her time at University of Nottingham Ningbo.
Zeng Jia'ni was born in a general family in Hangzhou. She says that her parents never forced her to learn but took the positive education, which really helped her.
In the end, Zeng Jia'ni decided to go to Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study.
(中國網見習作者 張雲松 綜合報道 翻譯 陳萍萍)
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