中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間6月5日上午,順豐控股發佈公告,在國家郵政局的及時協調下,順豐本著顧全大局、維護市場秩序和消費者合法權益的原則,已與各方達成共識,並同意從6月3日午間起,全面恢複業務合作和數據傳輸,有關事件已得到妥善解決。
CNCAO NEWS Morning of June 5 Beijing time, S.F. Express announced, within the coordination of State Post Bureau of The People's Republic of China, S.F. Express based on the principle of paying attention to the interests of the whole, maintaining market order and consumers’ legal rights, and has reached consensus with all parties. And they agreed to fully renew business cooperation and data transmission from noon of June 3. Relevant events have been solved properly.
To this, State Post Bureau of The People's Republic of China emphasized,in recent years, the good posture of e-commerce and express industry’s common development is hard-won and should be cherished. We hope upstream and downstream firms can work together, help each other forward, joint efforts to push forward sustainable and healthy development of the industry, and provide better express services for broad consumers.
Cainiao said, in the next month, we will continue negotiating about data security problem of delivery lockers with S.F. Express.
Some in the industry said, the contradiction between S.F Express and Cainiao was just put aside. If the root of the problem hasn’t been solved, both of them will keep shadow wars constantly in the future. The scramble about resources of big data ends in compromise under the government intervention at last. Many netizens think, with big data’ s big value becoming prominent, realizing the core value will depend on enterprises, individual and government participate jointly. Build healthy ecosystem for big data treasure by relevant legislation and effective supervision.
(中國網見習作者魏詩盈 綜合報道 余樂/譯)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:魏詩盈 余樂 | 責編:魏詩盈 審核:張淵
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