中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間6月2日,第三屆中國-中東歐國家投資貿易博覽會第一批參展貨物運抵寧波國際會展中心。這批貨物有來自斯洛伐克、波蘭等7個國家的嬰兒食品、護膚品、橄欖油、葡萄酒等,重約8噸。
CNCAO NEWS On June 2nd Beijing time, the third CHINA -CEEC Investment AND Trade EXPO for the first batch of goods that have arrived at Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center.The shipment includes baby food, skin care products, olive oil and wine from 7 countries, such as Slovakia and Poland, and weighs about 8 tons.
It is understood that the third CHINA -CEEC Investment AND Trade EXPO will be held in Ningbo from June 8th to 12th.There will be 2 pavilions and 500 booths in Central-Eastern Europe characteristic products exhibition. The exhibition area will be expanded by 50% compared with the previous year,the scale of exhibitors and the types and quantities of commodities have been greatly improved.
It is reported that more than 1000 kinds of goods from 16 countries in Central and East Europe will also arrive in Ningbo in the next few days.
(中國網見習作者魏詩盈綜合報道 鮑夢依/譯)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:魏詩盈 鮑夢依 | 責編:魏詩盈 審核:張淵
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