中國網浪潮資訊 日前,浙江舟山樟州二級漁港建設項目完成綜合竣工驗收。此工程位於朱家尖東側的樟州灣,總投資1540.69萬元,是浙江省“十二五”重點漁港建設項目,同時也是浙江省首個採用EPC工程總承包模式建設的漁港項目工程。
CNCAO NEWS Recently, construction project of secondary fishing port of Zhangzhou Zhoushan, Zhejiang, finished completion inspection and acceptance. The engineering is located in east of Zhujiajian- the Gulf of Zhangzhou with a 15.4069 million yuan total investment. It is the key fishing port construction project of Zhejiang Province “12th Five-year Plan” and at the same time it is also the first fishing port project constructed with EPC Engineering Procurement Construction in Zhejiang.
EPC model means construction units contract engineering, procurement, construction, pilot run and others during the whole process or several stages by contractor. And construction units strictly control project investment, quality and days for construction. After the completion acceptance, hand over to using units.
A principal from Shenjiamen Centre Fishing Port Development Co.,Ltd of Putuo District said, EPC model not only benefits overall plans and collaborative operation of project, but also effectively resolves the connection between engineering and construction, and conflict between construction scheme and practicability, technicality, security. It can take maximum advantage of each management part of construction and get the management goal of cutting budget of the project.
(中國網見習作者 魏詩盈 綜合報道 翻譯 余樂)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:魏詩盈 余樂 | 責編:張雲松 審核:張淵
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