中國網浪潮資訊 日前,在結束為期兩天的浙江東陽考察之旅後,威尼斯建築大學對外交流辦公室主任瑪格麗特教授表示,“東陽傳統民居是我所見過的世界最美民居之一,非常幸運能夠領略它古老而多元的文化。”
CNCAO NEWS The day before, at the end of the two days research trip to Dongyang, Zhejiang, Professor Margaret, office director of internal exchange of IUAV(Università IUAV di Venezia) said, "the traditional residential dwelling in Dongyang is one of the most beautiful dwellings of the world I have ever seen, I am very lucky to be able to appreciate its ancient and pluralistic culture."
Margaret believed that architecture is not a mere individual, but a system made up of man-made environment, natural environment and human activities. The traditional dwellings in Dongyang, Zhejiang not only have a drainage system and wooden structure with full of wisdom, but also gave birth to the unique architectural culture.
IUAV is the only university in Italy specializing in the teaching design and planning of all subjects related to human habitation and living environment. The school have been working closely on the subject research and graduate training with Tongji University in China throughout the year.
Zhang Jianlong, urban planning school’s professor of Tongji University said that Dongyang traditional constructing is the "secret area" needs further explore, but also is the wonderful area to guide the development of the construction industry at present state. The school will promote Dongyang's tradition constructing out of the country.
(中國網見習作者 魏詩盈 綜合報道 宓文文/譯)
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