中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間5月26日,在浙江湖州長興縣方岩村,小浦中心幼兒園的孩子們與外國留學生一起試戴虎頭帽。當日,浙江省長興縣小浦鎮方岩村舉辦了一場富有特色的端午民俗活動。小浦中心幼兒園的孩子們與多名外國留學生在當地居民帶領下,在村子的銀杏林中體驗虎頭帽虎頭鞋的製作、學習包粽子、學唱傳統民謠,一同感受當地民俗文化,迎接即將到來的端午節。
CNCAO NEWS On May 26, BJT, overseas students tried to put on tiger-head hats with kids from Xiaopu Center Kindergarten, in Fangyan Village, Changxing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang. On that day, the activity of Dragon Boat Festival were held in this village, where were solely special and characteristic. Dozens of foreign students and those kids from the kindergarten were led by local villagers to experience local culture by making tiger-head hats and shoes, learning to make zongzi(rice dumpling) as well as singing the traditional folk songs in the ginkgo forest, as a way to welcome the coming Dragon Boat Festival.
來源: 新華網 | 作者:徐昱 孫吳琦 | 責編:張雲松 審核:張淵
新聞投稿 新聞熱線:13157110107
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