中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間5月24日,新一代世界最大集裝箱輪中國香港籍“東方香港”號,順利靠泊寧波舟山港穿山港區,創下了港口靠泊超大集裝箱輪新紀錄。
CNCAO NEWS May 24th Beijing Time, the world’s largest container ship “East Hong Kong”in the new generation which is from Hong Kong, China anchored in the Chuanshan harbor area in the port of Zhoushan in Ningbo successfully. A new record has been set for the port’s oversize container ship.
The “East Hong Kong”is the world’s first super container ship capable of carrying more than 21,000 containers and now it serving on Asia-Europe routes. This time it set out from Shanghai, Ningbo Zhoushan port was the second station after it is launched.
It is said that as the hull was too large, the ship stopped at 300 meters from the dock and then it was pulled to the dock by four tug forces. Finally, the loading of 2,500 boxes is carried out.
The “East Hong Kong”’s next station is Xiamen, Fujian Province.
(中國網見習作者 魏詩盈 綜合報道 翻譯 耿凱寧)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:魏詩盈 耿凱寧 | 責編:張雲松 審核:張淵
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