中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間5月24日,支付寶宣佈推出香港版電子錢包——支付寶HK,正式為香港居民提供無現金服務。香港居民可通過綁定香港當地銀行信用卡或餘額充值使用支付寶。
CNCAO NEWS On May 24th, Beijing time, Alipay announced the launch of Alipay HK, the Hongkong version electronic wallet, officially offered no cash services for Hongkong residents. Hongkong residents can use Alipay by binding Hongkong local bank credit card or recharging balance.
It is understood that the Hong Kong version of Alipay provides three printing services including the payment by scan code, the merchant offers and collect printings. In the future, the Hong Kong version of Alipay will opened charge calls, utility payment, transfer money, taking the taxi, insurance and other functions one after the other, so that the people of Hongkong can catch up with the mainland "cashless" living standards.
Currently, Ant Financial have developed local electronic wallets in India, Thailand, Korea, Philippines with partners, and have served more than 200 million customers overseas .
(中國網見習作者 魏詩盈 綜合報道 翻譯 宓文文)
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