中國網浪潮資訊 日前,支付寶官方稱,支付寶已經完成“刷臉支付”從實驗到商用的最後一步,不久就會在合作夥伴的門店上線。支付寶將在全球率先實現商用“刷臉支付”。
CNCAO NEWS The day before, Alipay official said, Alipay has completed “pay-with-your-face” from the experiment to the last step of the commercial use, will soon appear at partners’ stores. Alipay will be the first in the world to achieve “pay-with-your-face”.
According to reports, compare with Alipay introduced "face registration"in 2005 , “pay-with-your-face” is demanding more on the operation speed, recognition accuracy and the ability of risk-control. According to the online video Alipay exposured , face recognition process only need one second.
Aiming at the safety problem of netizens worry, Chen Jidong, the leader of Ant Financial Biometric Authentication, in the practical application scene of “pay-with-your-face”, Alipay will detect first by living detection algorithm, then identifying people by the face recognition algorithm. As a result, it is not possible to use photos or videos of someone else for fraudulent use.
2017年2月,支付寶的“刷臉支付”技術入選世界權威期刊《麻省理工科技評論》(MIT Technology Review)2017年全球十大突破性技術。
In February 2017, Alipay's “pay-with-your-face” technology was selected in the world leading journal "MIT Technology Review" as one of the top 10 breakthrough technologies.
(中國網見習作者 魏詩盈 綜合報道 翻譯 宓文文)
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