中國網浪潮資訊 日前,2017年開行的第1000列中歐班列,X8024次中歐班列(義烏-馬德里)從義烏西站鳴笛駛出。據中國鐵路總公司介紹,今年發出的中歐班列較去年同期增加612列,增長158%。值得一提的是,僅4月8日至14日一週時間內,中歐班列開行71列,創單周開行數量新高。
CNCAO NEWS Recently, the 1000th China-Europe Train started in 2017, X8024 China-Europe Train (from Yiwu to Madrid) set from Yiwu West Station with horns. According to the introduction from China Railway Corporation, the number of China-Europe Train this year increases 612 which improves 158% compared with the same time last year. It is worth mentioning that there are 71 China-Europe Train set off in the week of April 8th to14th,which ranked the highest in a single week.
Since “the Belt and Road” Initiative launched , the operation number of China-Europe Train has had a rapid growth, arriving time has had a sharp compression, logistics cost has had a significantly reduction , the service platform has been continuously improved, the category of goods has been getting rich and the influence of China-Europe Train brand has been strengthening. Now, China Railway has been drawing 51 operation lines for China-Europe Train and the domestic city reach 28, arriving in 11 European countries and 29 cities, including 2 countries and 15 cities which are added this year.
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 魏詩盈 綜合報道 翻譯 陳萍萍)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:楊雲寒 魏詩盈 陳萍萍 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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