中國網浪潮資訊 近日,在500千伏舟山聯網輸變電工程建設現場,380米輸電高塔正在搭建。20年間,從投標聯合體到獨立拿下總承包工程,從線路修復到新建工程總承包,浙江送變電先後完成18個國外工程承包建設項目、57項國際貿易,累計合同總額9351萬美元。
CNCAO NEWS Recently, on the scene of 500 KV interconnection power transmission and distribution project in Zhoushan,380 meters high transmission tower is being built. In 20 years, from consortium for Bids to geting general contracting project independently, from circuit service to contracting general new projects,transmission and distribution in Zhejiang has competed 18 foreign contract projects, 57 international trade,total value of contract is 93.51 million dollars.
Before, 370-meters high transmission tower of Zhoushan built by transmission and distribution in Zhejiang made transmission tower construction Technology in China took the leading position in the world. In October,2010,Brazilian customers invited the 370-meters high transmission tower group of Zhejiang Transmission and distribution to set up a team to construct two the first transmission towers in South American which acrossing Amazon River with heights of 296 meters.
Besides that, workers of International Engineering of Electric Power transmission and transformation located in Zhejiang are making bidding document of Kyrgyzstan Electric Power Transmission. Meantime, they also pay attention to Electric Power Transmission of Ecuador, Laos and preliminary preparation dynamic of Indonesia Sea-crossing transmission tower engineering.
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 實習生 沈艷綜合報道 翻譯 余樂)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:楊雲寒 實習生 沈艷 翻譯 余樂 | 責編:沈艷 審核:張淵
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