CNCAO NEWS On May 12th Beijing Time,The 3rd China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo Organizing Committee said,the expo held on June 8th in Ningbo is not only the largest in the history,but also the items and amount of goods in the expo are ranging the first one in the history.
In 2016,Zhejiang has 144 investment projects in countries along“the Belt and Road”,with a total foreign direct investment record amount of$7.47 billion,increasing about 70%compared with the same period last year.The revenue of engineering project was about$2.35 billion in the countries along“the Belt and Road”,increasing about 56.7%.The exports to countries along“the Belt and Road”reached$86.72 billion,ranging the second in the country.
中東歐16國是“一帶一路”的重要組成部分。目前,中國已經與16個中東歐國家簽署了“16+1”合作機制。(中國網作者 楊雲寒 鄧一鳴綜合報道 陳萍萍/譯)
The 16 Central and Eastern European countries are an important part of“the Belt and Road”.Now,China has signed the“China-CEEC Cooperation”with 16 Central and Eastern European Countries.
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:楊雲寒 鄧一鳴 陳萍萍/譯 | 責編:鄧一鳴 審核:張淵
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