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杭州亞組委辦公大樓掛牌 亞運會籌備工作全面展開
Hangzhou Asian Games Organization Committee office building was listed and the Asian Games is under preparing in full sw
發佈時間:2017-04-18 08:25:10    

   中國網訊 當地時間4月17日,在亞組委成立一週年之際,位於中國浙江的杭州亞組委辦公大樓正式掛牌。這也標誌著杭州2022年第19屆亞運會各項籌備工作全面展開。掛牌儀式後,杭州亞組委向亞奧理事會專題彙報了亞運會籌備事宜。

.On April 17th local time, Hangzhou Asian Games Organization Committee office building which is located in Hangzhou, China was officially established on the first anniversary of the establishment of Asian Games Organization Committee. This also signals that the preparations for the 19th Asian Games in 2022 are in full swing. Hangzhou Asian Games Organization Committee gave a special reported about preparations of Asian Games to Olympic Council of Asia after listing ceremony.



The Hangzhou 19th Asian Games in 2022 will take ‘ Green, Intelligent, Frugal, Civilized’ as running concepts and take ‘ controlling cost, making full use, emphasizing practicality, effective operation, scientific running, manifesting characteristics’ as running principles. 


After wining the right to host the Asian Games, the leaders of State Physical Culture Administration, CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and provincial government has guided preparation work many times and they has put forward strengthening the cooperation of cities in the province and hosting an Asian Games with Chinese characteristics, Zhejiang manner and Hangzhou style. 



According to The Articles of Association of the OCA, The Contract of the Host City of the 19th Asian Games in 2022, and the rules, conventions of international sport and the actual needs of work about the preparations, organizations and management of the Asian Games, the preparations work will move forward in three stages. At present, the major structure of 80 thousands main stadiums of the Olympic Sports City has already been completed and it has been planned to be built to use before the end of this year. Tennis Center, sports natatorium, etc are under construction as planned. The project of International Expo Center has already completed the construction and been put into use. Other related infrastructure projects and environmental projects of Hangzhou Olympic Sport City are being implemented simultaneously.



It is understood that Asian Games Organization Committee has established one office and nine departments including Asian Games Organization Committee Office, Hangzhou Ministry of foreign affairs , Competition Department, Propaganda Department, Public Relations Department, Finance Department, Organization and Human Resources Department, Discipline Inspection and Audit Department, Market Development Department and Venue Construction Department, etc. From today on, the one office and nine departments will work together in Asian Games Organization Committee office building. 

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 張雲松 中國網綜合報道 任嫻/譯)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者: 楊雲寒 見習 張雲松    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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