中國網4月17日訊 中國1986年版《西遊記》導演、製片人楊潔于當地時間4月15日因病去世,享年88歲。該片“孫悟空”扮演者六小齡童發文悼念稱這將是中國電視劇行業的損失。
Yang Jie, the director and producer of “Journey to the west” of 1986 version was gone on April 15 local time due to illness at the age of 88. Zhang Jinlai, the actor of Monkey King, published mourning article which said it was a loss to Chinese TV drama industry.
楊潔,1929年出生於湖北麻城,中國內地女導演、製片人。1958年進入中央電視臺,1961年開始擔任央視戲曲節目導演。1982年-1988年曆時6年時間拍攝完成我國首部神話電視連續劇《西遊記》, 2010年,獲中國電視劇導演工作委員會“傑出貢獻獎”。
Yang Jie, was born on 1929 in Macheng, Hubei Province, a female director and producer in mainland China, entered the China central television in 1958 and became the director of CCTV drama in 1961. She used 6 years to film “Journey to the west”, the first myth TV drama in China, from 1982 to 1988. In 2010, she won the Outstanding Contribution Award of Chinese television director working committee.
Zhang Jinlai published article and said, “I was aghast when heard that dear Yang Jie, the first generation of female TV director in China was gone. I am abnormal sorrowful and think it is an enormous loss to Chinese TV drama industry. She is not only my respected teacher but also a teacher of my acting and life. I couldn't have been what I am now without“Journey to the west”.May the dead rest in peace!”
Journey to the west is one of China's four great classics. The “Journey to the west” TV drama of 1986 version was praised as the classic version by mainland audience.
(中國網作者楊雲寒 實習生 胡金 綜合報道 耿凱寧/譯)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:楊雲寒 實習生 胡金 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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