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Zeng Ming: To train facade of Chinesebusiness by failures
發佈時間:2017-04-17 14:24:19    


CHINANET April 17on local time, Alibaba Group announced that Zeng Ming is to be the newly-appointed dean in Hupan University. It is said that Zeng, one of the most successful professors aiming the science of strategy, will dedicate himself to carry out a special way of learning from failures in order to cultivate transparent and responsible Chinese entreprises with global horizons to take on the world economy in 30 years. Zeng will also hold a post as the chairman of the AcademicCommittee ofAlibaba Group while nomore be as the chief of staff.



The time Alibaba Group declaring the new post of Zeng, it was pointed that in 30 years, China, the World's No.2 Economy, will undertake great accountability of the development of the agein the world. And Chinese entrepreneurs ought to be ready to take the responsibility since it is the powerful support from economy that sustaining the growth in either economy or diplomacy.

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According to Zeng, the study of failures along with failed education is to be the educational core in Hupan University. In this years, students are required to share their own experience of being defeated with others to "build up the bridge connecting failure and the spirits of entrepreneurs in new commercial civilization" in class.

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It is said that the idea of sharing failures originated from Jack Ma. He used to say, "All setbacks would be the best nutrition for a company. The greater the obstacles are, the more desired I am to figure out how others did to overcome them at the key time.""The setbacks of Alibaba" is one of the contains in Zeng's first course. Allegedly, the experiences as well as lessons will be transparent at first for Chinese undertakers in the educational ideas of Hupan University.

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Hupan University,whose aim is to train Chinese merchants in the new-generation with spirits of new commercial civilization,was initiated by Jack Ma, Liu Chuanzhi, Feng Lun, Guo Guangchang, Shi Yuzhu and other four businessmen in 2015. The nine of them also passed the posts of the first school board.

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Zeng Ming, who obtained the doctor degree in the international affairs and the science of strategy of University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, has been worked for Alibaba Group as the strategic consultant since 2003 and officially joined the company in 2006. He made great efforts in drawing up and amending the strategies of Alibaba Group for Jack Ma and helping this corporation be a giant economy as large as 3.7 trillion volume from a merely preliminary firm in Hupan Park.

  (中國網作者 李斌 實習生 胡金 綜合報道 孫吳琦/譯)

  (編輯:楊雲寒 實習生 胡金)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:李斌 實習生 胡金    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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