中國網浪潮新聞訊 北京時間4月18日,中國浙江省“網際網路+退役士兵創業園”(以下簡稱“兵創園”)杭州基地揭牌暨杭州地區首批退役士兵入園創業儀式在杭舉行。浙江省民政廳副廳長俞志壯表示,以“兵創園”模式幫扶退役士兵就業創業的形式尚屬中國國內首創。
CNCAO NEWS April 18 Beijing time, China’ Zhejiang Hangzhou “Internet + retired soldiers’ enterprise garden” ( hereinafter referred to as soldiers’ enterprise garden) was inaugurated. Also the ceremony of the first retired soldiers entering into park was held in Hangzhou. Deputy Director- General of Zhejiang home office- Yu Zhizhuang said the process of soldiers’ enterprise garden for helping retired soldiers was the first application in China.
It always stays ahead of other provinces in Zhejiang Province to support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of the army and martyrs and support the government and cherish the people. Yu Zhizhuang stated many cities of Zhejiang including Hangzhou have been named “two support model city” for many years. He said “ the process of “soldier’ enterprise garden” created in Zhejiang proves that our province stays one step ahead of other provinces in retired soldiers’ employment and craving out.”
The solders’ enterprise garden inaugurated this time takes advantage of Internet economy, having E-Commerce as entrepreneurial orientation, with core competitiveness of available big data. It will try to help retired soldiers to fulfill their dreams of owning a business in the field of domestic trade and cross-border electricity .
At present, there are two retired solders’ enterprise garden bases in Hangzhou and Jinhua. The area of Hangzhou enterprise base is 45,000square meters. It is able to accommodate about 300 retired soldiers entering to start a business and provide jobs such as administrative, logistics, operations and so on.
It is said this July, the retired soldiers’ enterprise garden base in Jiaxing will be completed and put into use. In the future, it will cover everywhere in Zhejiang accelerated. The mode will promote integrated military and civilian development and provide “Zhejiang’s experience” to help retired soldiers get a job and start a business.
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 綜合報道 余樂/譯)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者: 楊雲寒 見習 胡金 余樂/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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