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浙大教授研發的軟體魚遊得比菲爾普斯還溜 用於水下探測
Software fish,developed by Zhejiang University Professor,   swim faster than Phelps and is used for underwater detectio
發佈時間:2017-04-20 16:52:38    

  中國網浪潮新聞訊  一種“魚”身長20多釐米,渾身柔軟無骨,能穿過水底狹窄的縫隙,還能以每秒12釐米的速度巡航,遇到緊急狀況還能將速度提升一倍多。按距離身長比來計算的話,竟然有比菲爾普斯遊的還溜”,這究竟是一種什麼魚?

CNCAO NEWS A "fish",the length is more than 20 centimeters,the body is soft like no bones,can pass through a narrow gap in the water,but also cruise at a speed of 12 centimeters per second,can also speed up more than doubled in an emergency situation.According to distance length ratio,even swim faster than Phelps,what kind of fish is this?



In the laboratory of the College of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University,several miniature version of "Manta ray"(Commonly known as the devil fish),were swimming in the water,this fish is known as the software robot fish,according to its creator——Li Tiefeng, associate professor, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University,at present, the software robot fish is the fourth version,compared with previous versions,this version of the software robot fish is bigger and faster,and the transmission distance of the signal is also farther.


  和普通的水下機器人通過螺旋槳等水下驅動器提供動力不同,李鐵風研發的軟體機器魚的運作方式和真正的蝠鲼很相似。“它有電子肌肉。”李鐵風指著它柔軟的“肚皮”説,這是機器魚的核心部件。這一層薄薄的 “電子肌肉”,實際上由三層材料組成,上下兩層是透明的介電高彈體薄膜,中間是導電用的碳膏或水凝膠;三層材料緊密地粘合在一起,就像北京著名小吃“茯苓餅”。如果給它兩極通上交流電,它已經可以像心臟一樣地“跳”動了。

And it is different from the ordinary underwater robots,which are powered bypropeller and other underwater drive.The operationmode of the software robot fish,developed by Li Tiefeng is similar with the real Manta ray."It has electronic muscles."Li Tiefeng pointed to its soft "belly" and said,this is the core of the machine fish.This layer of the thin "electronic muscles",actually consists of three layers of material,the upper and lower two layers are transparent dielectric elastomers film,the middle is a conductive carbon paste or hydrogel;the three layers of material are bonded together,like Beijing famous snack "Poria cake".If its two poles on the alternating current,it has been able to "jump" like the heart.



According to his introduction,this machine fish can not only for people to watch,but also to complete a lot of work related to underwater survey,it also play a role in the collection of hydrological data and the early detection of salvage.In fact,the function of underwater machine fish is becoming increasingly apparent,industry insiders said,underwater environment is complex,use underwater machine fish instead of people into the water detection,which can reduce the risk factor of survey personnel,but also can easily access to rich data,it can be described as two birds with one stone.

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 綜合報道鮑夢依/譯)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金 鮑夢依/譯    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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