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杭州成立無現金聯盟 竟然驚動聯合國
Hangzhou established the no-cash alliance which alarmed the UN unexpectedly.
發佈時間:2017-04-20 09:48:04    

  中國網浪潮新聞訊 付錢是掏出紙幣還是手機?這麼一件“小事”竟然引起了聯合國的關注。北京時間4月18日,“無現金聯盟”在杭州成立。聯合國環境署、螞蟻金融服務集團(簡稱螞蟻金服)作為理事,和首批15家聯盟成員一起倡導低碳運營、提升商業效能,加速從現金到無現金支付的轉化。

CNCAO NEWS  Take out cash or mobile phone when paying? Such a "little thing" even attracted the attention of the United Nations. Beijing time on April 18, the no-cash alliance established in Hangzhou. United Nations Environment Program and Ant Financial Services Group (which abbreviated as the ant golden service)as the directors, advocate low-carbon operations and improve business efficiency, accelerate conversions from cash to no-cash payments with the first batch of fifteen union members.


As one of the initiators, the Alipay’ parent company ant golden service announced that the next two years will offer 6 billion yuan to help the Union members promote no-cash process. The CEO of ant golden service Jing Xiandong indicated that on-cash society brings the convenience to businessmen and agencies and consumers is only the first step. No-cash also can make the finance more Pratt & whitney and make the business more intelligent and make the society more efficient. He wishes that Chinese experience can lead all over the world to the no-cash society.



The Analyst indicated that, the new credit system financial technology model which derived from the convenient mobile payment is a great contribution from China internet to the world and also a performance of the China soft power to continuous improve.


By sharing the no-cash pay and data and credit and so on, the no- cash alliance is expected to improve 60% of the register efficiency, and can save the transaction cost and reduce carbon emissions:3580 payments are equally plant a haloxylon for the global.



The no-cash payment is attracted the attention and the support of the United Nations, Zhang Shigang, the Representative of the United Nations Environment Program in China said that the no-cash payment is not only convenient and efficient, but also low carbon and evironmentally friendly. According to the projections, if the businessmen who have the year bill of fifteen thousand all used the no-cash payment, is equally plant a twenty-year old tree for the globe, and for encouraging this low-carbon behavior, the newly established no-cash payment alliance will plant one million trees in the name of the number businessmen.

  (中國網作者楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 綜合報道 夏夢茹/譯)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金 夏夢茹/譯    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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