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以開闊視野建世界名城 中國杭州“擁江發展”
Building an international city with open vision,Hangzhou(China) “developing depends on its river”
發佈時間:2017-04-20 08:57:24    

  中國網浪潮新聞訊  日前,在中國杭州“兩會”上,浙江省委常委、杭州市委書記趙一德在審議報告時,鮮明地提出杭州未來發展要立足“擁江發展”,並闡述了明確思路。

CNCAO NEWS A few days ago,Zhao Yide, member of Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Secretary of Hangzhou Municipal Communist Party Committee detailed the future development of Hangzhou should depends on its river in Hangzhou(China) Two Sessions. He also illustrates a clear idea about how to develop.


Actually,it’s not the first time for Zhao Yide mentioned “Developing depends on its river” in public. Zhao Yide has discussed this topic when he surveyed in Jianggan District and Shangcheng District since the end of last year. He talked specially about how to take the opportunity of “Qian Tang Era” after studied report on Hangzhou Urban City Studies in Hangzhou City Research Center. He mentioned that the development of Hangzhou should be led by plans and protected by laws. We should protect and develop Qian Tang River well to promote Hangzhou developing with the river.We ought to turn the Qian Tang River into “the River in City”.



Qian Tang River which flows through Hangzhou is the mother river of Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou.The concept of “A river on the edge of the city” has been always in the mind of Hangzhou people since the building in Hangzhou mainly concentrated in the north of the river ten years ago.With time going by,the circumstances changed. The Hangzhou Urban area has increased from 683 square kilometers to 4876 square kilometers because Xiao Shan,Yu Hang and Fu Yang became three districts of it. Especially after The G20 Summit held in Hangzhou National Center,The B20 Summit held in Qianjiang New City and the city encampment of government moved to Qianjiang New City,the pace of Hangzhou towards Qian Tang Era is accelerating.


Now,Jianggan,Shangcheng,Xihu,Binjiang,Xiaoshan,Fuyang,EastofDajiang and Xiasha District are on the both side of Qian Tang River which takes it as the axis. During the Two Sessions of Hangzhou,Zhao Yide repeated again on the report of the Delegation of Xiaoshan:”Xiaoshan is an integral part of Hangzhou Urban City,it should accelerate the development of integration.”


  杭州正著手進行新一輪城市總體規劃修編。市“兩會”期間,趙一德反覆強調一個觀點:錢塘江兩岸發展決不能急功近利,隨意擺放建築物和企業。該留白的就要留白,為子孫後代留下空間。 “要像實施運河綜保工程一樣保護好、治理好、利用好錢塘江。這是造福子孫後代的百年大計、千年大計,是一代杭州人接續努力的責任。”趙一德説。

Hangzhou is embarking on a new round of urban master plan revision. During the Hangzhou Two Sessions,Zhao Yide repeatedly emphasized his view:The development of both coasts of Qian Tang River must not be a quick success,we should not put buildings and businesses randomly on the both sides of Qian Tang River. We should keep some space for future generations.“We should protect,govern and make use of Qian Tang River well like implementing The Jing-Hang Canal Comprehensive Protection Project. It is a fundamental task crucial to benefit future generations,it is also the responsibility of a generation of Hangzhou people to continue their efforts.”Zhao Yide said.

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者  胡金 綜合報道  陳萍萍/譯)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金 陳萍萍/譯    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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