中國網浪潮新聞訊 北京時間4月20日上午,中國杭州檢驗檢疫局及杭州機場辦、郵檢辦、國際旅行保健中心等在杭的檢驗檢疫部門聯合發佈《2016年杭州市出入境品質安全》白皮書。這是浙江省第一份由市政府發佈的出入境品質安全白皮書。
CNCAO NEWS:on April 20th morning,Beijing time,Hangzhou inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Hangzhou Airport Office,Post Inspection Office and International Travel Healthcare Center joint released a white paper called the Hangzhou quality and safety of entry-exit in 2016. This is the first white paper of quality and safety of entry-exit issued by the Zhejiang municipal government.
There are five chapters in Hangzhou quality and safety of entry-exit in 2016(The following paragraphs call it as “white paper”).The white paper makes an inventory which is about the situation of Hangzhou quality and safety of entry-exit from each dimension.It relates to people's living as well as the import and export trade of enterprises which provide guidance for citizen consumption and trade of local enterprises.
Reporter learned from the white paper that a total of 545 batches of substandard goods were inspected by Hangzhou inspection and quarantine department during the daily inspection and market sampling of imported consumer goods. The imported toys, imitation jewelry, food contact products, clothing, etc were mainly involved.China had an annual supervision and spot check on 39 batches of imported goods outside the list.There were 23 batches of substandard goods after check,which were mainly condoms, toothbrushes, wet wipes, textile clothing, etc.
White paper shows that Hangzhou inspection and quarantine department completed investigation into 400 batch of returned export goods from overseas customers in 2016.The total value of these goods is 20.205million dollars, an increase of 14% and 27%.
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 杜依依/譯)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金 杜依依/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
新聞投稿 新聞熱線:13157110107
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