中國網浪潮新聞訊 “有的電商,買流量,把實體的價格體系搞亂掉了,怪不得實體經濟都恨它。”北京時間4月20日,在杭州舉行的2017中國“網際網路+”數字經濟峰會上,娃哈哈集團董事長兼總經理宗慶後再“懟”阿裏。
CNCAO NEWS “Some electricity suppliers, buy traffic, messed up the price system of the entity,no wonder the real economy hates it.”April 20 Beijing time,at the 2017 China's "Internet +" digital economy summit,which held in Hangzhou, Zong Qinghou,the CEO and the general manager of wahaha group,criticized Alibaba again.
Mr Zong thought,the Internet does promote the progress of our society and other aspects,on the one hand to save the labor force,on the other hand also strengthened the financial accuracy of the digital and work efficiency.But “Boast too much, flatter over and go to the opposite side.”
When it comes to personalized customization,he said,whether a large enterprise can be customized?Impossible,self-employed to run a tailor shop,the personal customization works,Large-scale enterprise production line specifically customize a few things,which is impossible.In addition,”The Internet can not be deified,not everything can be solved with the Internet.”For example, see a Chinese doctor, feel your pulse through the Internet.
Mr Zongalso did not forget to criticizedAlibaba,“Some Internet companies, such as Tencent,rich people's cultural life with the game, to facilitate people's communication with WeChat,we still have a good impression on Tencent.Some electricity supplier,buy traffic, messed up the price system of the entity,no wonder the real economy hates it....attempting to subvert the real economy,which is impossible.”
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 綜合報道 鮑夢依/譯)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金 鮑夢依/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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