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網聚正能量 爭做好網民 2017浙江“爭做中國好網民”接力活動在慈溪啟幕
Zhejiang "To be a good chinese netizen"Relay opened in Cixi
發佈時間:2017-04-21 11:51:33    

中國網浪潮新聞訊  作者從4月21日舉行的浙江省“爭做中國好網民”接力活動暨第八屆慈溪網路文化節開幕式上獲悉,浙江的網際網路事業已經引發全球關注。在此背景下,更需要社會各界積極爭做“中國好網民”。同時,本次活動也將通過踐行“中國好網民”的一系列具體活動,為迎接黨的十九大和浙江省第十四次黨代會營造良好輿論氛圍。

CNCAO NEWS:Reporter learned from the opening ceremony of Zhejiang “To be a good Chinese Netizen” relay and the 8th Cixi Network Culture Festival on April 21st that Internet industry of Zhejiang has attracted the global attention. We need the community to try to be “good Chinese netizen” under this background.Meanwhile, this activity will create a good atmosphere for public opinion to meet the 19th People's Congress and the 14th Party Congress in Zhejiang by practicing a series of “Good Chinese Netizen” activities.



Why global focus is on the Zhejiang Internet?


It is understood that Chinese Internet industry ushers in a new peak in 2016.The Chinese strategic deployments in development and management of Internet has attracted the global attention.


During the year, president XiJinping issued a series of important speeches,such as “2·19”, “4·19”.He pointed out that it was necessary to carry out the development thought of taking people as the center,if we wanted to develop the Network Information Services.He also put forward new judgment and new requirements of fostering positive, health and good cyber culture.These become an important guide to strengthen the work of Network Information Services.


Zhejiang is not only a economic province, but also a Internet Province. According to the latest statistics, the number of netizen in Zhejiang exceeds 36 million.And there are 177 Internet social organizations all over Zhejiang registered in the Civil Affairs Department.There are more than 30 types of the scope,which covers the network culture, the network public welfare, the network economy, the network volunteer, the new media and We-Media and so on.


Whether it is the number of netizen, Internet penetration rate, or the number of sites and informatization development index or other indicators, Zhejiang is in the forefront of the country. Information economy of which the core is Internet has become a new engine of economic growth in Zhejiang.


With the Hangzhou G20 Summit and the 3rd World Internet Conference successfully held,Zhejiang,the land of Internet entrepreneurship and innovation drawn extensive attention from the world once again.


Why “ good Chinese netizen " is so important?


Netizens are cells of network society. Netizens decide how the internet will be. The director of Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs (CAC)- Zhan Xunhong said in his speech, last February, CAC officially start “ To be a good netizen” and clarified that the whole society would be mobilized to cultivate ‘ a Chinese good netizen’ who has strong safety awareness, civilized network quality, law-abiding civilized habits and necessary protective skills.



On the occasion of the first anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping ‘4 • 19 ‘ important speech, Zhejiang ‘ To be a good Chinese netizen’ relay opened in Cixi which was located in the banks of Hangzhou Bay.


Ji Xiaobin , Zhejiang Office of Cyberspace Affairs said that Zhejiang had been carrying out the task requirement earnestly of ‘To be a good Chinese netizen’ of CAC since this year on and Zhejiang had formulated year-round work schemes and action plans of strengthening ‘ good grass roots netizens ‘ as core, choosing ‘ good labor union netizens ‘ for innovation, optimizing ‘ good youth netizens ‘ as focus and cultivating ‘ good aged netizens ‘ as point. And provincial government departments, universities, military, finance, enterprises, mass organizations and other systems were mobilized to promote the positive energy activity of ‘ To be a good Chinese nitizen’ , take a clear-cut stand singing the theme and tell the good Zhejiang stories and spread the voice of China to the whole world positively.



‘We will rely on the social organizations of network, mobilize the society to take part in, promote the project of ‘ To be a good Chinese netizen’ rooted in Cixi and try to build a clear and orderly spiritual home.’ Sun Bainan, director of Cixi Municipal People's Congress said. Ningbo also expressed that the next step was letting the green network into the campus.


Who is “Chinese good netizen”


Zhang Xunhong pointed out that compared with traditional medias,the Internet has more powerful strength of communication and influence. Facing 482 websites and about 30 billion massive information every day,we must improve the training level of netizens. So we should mobilize widely and expand the online and offline coverage; Tamp foundation and deepen the quality education of netizens;Serve an innovative carrier,create a active network of cultural activities brand;We should also pay attention to actual affect,promote to be good netizen in different areas and systems.


Ji Xiaobin said that Zhejiang's 36 million Internet users, is the main of Speaking Zhejiang story,is an important force of cultivating good netizens in China.

All localities and departments should take the initiative to grasp the Internet ecological laws,guide more netizens consciously do co-builders, proponents and communicators of network rule of law and network civilization.


February of this year,Zhejiang Provincial Federation of trade unions and the Zhejiang provincial network letter office jointly issued a document, organized to carry out the "Civilized Internet, point praise Zhejiang, to be a good Chinese Internet users"activities throughouttheprovinc,launched network literacy education activities,Online learning and training, online labor and skills competition activities,network culture creative works collection activities,cultivate a good network of workers and a series of activities,promote the network communications of socialist core values,to create a clean and civilized network space together.


Zhang Xunhong is looking forward to the majority of Internet users to be a disseminator who spread positive energy network and a defender of the network civilization, make contribution to create a clean and civilized network space.


  據了解,浙江省“爭做中國好網民”接力活動暨第八屆慈溪網路文化節由浙江省委網信辦主辦,寧波市網信辦、慈溪市委宣傳部承辦,中國網協辦。在當日活動現場,中國網際網路新聞中心主任、中國網總編輯王曉輝宣佈2017“網聚正能量 爭做好網民”中國網專題頁面上線。

It’s known,Zhejiang Province "to do good Chinese Internet users" relay activities and the 8th Cixi Network Culture Festival were sponsored by Zhejiang provincial network letter office,undertook by Ningbo Network letter office and Cixi Municipal Committee Propaganda Department,co-sponsored by China Network.On the day of the event,Wang Xiaohui,the director of China Internet Information Center and the chief editor of the China Network,announced that 2017"cohesion of onlinepositive energy,to do good Chinese Internet users"China Network professional page on line.



"Jiaojiang leaves sir","Mujian",Yang Yang,Qin Tao,"Zi Su","Sun teacher"such as good Internet users through the form of torch relay,"Dawn lion",the positive energy representative,lighted up the fire of faith of "to do good Chinese Internet users".In the day of the event, also held a "Ningbo urban green network civilization into the campus" demonstration class,Chen Manyu,the Member of Zhejiang Province Writers Association,the Secretary General of Hangzhou network Writers Association,gave a first lecture,the theme is A simple talk about the network literature and art of Zhejiang from the network literature.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:中國網    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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