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WTO擁抱eWTP 將推動電子商務納入談判議題
WTO Embrace eWTP to Make E-Commerce on List of Issue
發佈時間:2017-04-27 14:37:31    

  中國網浪潮資訊  日內瓦4月25日,"出差"半年的馬雲到聯合國總部"打卡",並受邀訪問WTO總部,推動電子商務成為WTO談判議題。

CNCAO NEWS April 25, Jack Ma, "going on a business trip" for half a year, "sign in" United Nations Headquarters in Geneva and has been invited to visit the headquarter of WTO to make electronic commerce be on the list of issues negotiated by WTO.



At the time communicating with Jack Ma, Azevedo, the director-general of WTO, sends the invitation to Jack Ma and Alibaba to jointly solve the problems of mid-and-small sized corporations and employment. He states that the eWTP(Electronic World Trade Platform) proposal initiated by Alibaba conforms to the idea of WTO. For e-commerce and its general preference play key role in helping mid-and-small-sized corporations, it is a must to render the solving scheme to get the desired result. For the sake of this goal, Azevedo invites Alibaba to co-tackle with this issue with WTO. He says "We need someone like you to divert notion into reality."



It is the second time that Azevedo meets and talks to Jack Ma for the issue related to eWTP.


According to Jack Ma, there is countless experience from e-commerce in China and it is free to share with other countries. In his view, many policies in Free Trade Zone are designed for large entreprises and we need to incubate more suitable trade rules for small-sized companies to lessen red tape and make their cross-border trade easier and more effective. Alibaba is only a propellant of eWTP, which is a globalized electronic trade, and it also looks forward to co-drafting the rules for eWTP with WTO.


What's more, Jack Ma also suggests to set up a group called "the core of eWTP". Based on that, dialogue system could be built as well to impel the conversation between entreprises and government, and impulse the incubation of relevant rules by collecting opinions from entrepreneurs. Azevedo reckons that WTO would be pleased to take part in and give assistance to mid-and-small-sized corporations via the bridge provided by eWTP.

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 安靜 綜合報道 孫吳琦/譯)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 安靜 孫吳琦/譯    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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