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Wang Yi: it can be carrying between G20 Hamburg Summit and Hangzhou Summit
發佈時間:2017-04-27 14:13:02    

  中國網浪潮資訊 據中新社北京時間4月26日消息,中國外交部長王毅在柏林與德國副總理兼外長加布裏爾共見作者時表示,二十國集團(G20)漢堡峰會可與杭州峰會“承前啟後”,共同促進世界經濟強勁增長。

CNCAO NEWS According to China News Service reported on April 26 Beijing time, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in a joint press conference with Gabriel who doubled as Berlin's prime deputy minister and foreign minister said, it can be carrying between G20 Hamburg Summit and Hangzhou Summit to promote world economic strong growth.



Wang Yi said this year G20 Hamburg Summit hosted by Germany when situation of international politics and economy has new change. It is great responsibility and everyone pays attention to it. China is the previous host state of G20 and also Germany’s all-round strategic partner. China will offer Germany full support to hold Hamburg Summit and strengthen cooperation with Germany in G20 affairs.


Wang Yi pointed out that China-Germany cooperation can encompass “receive” and “carry on”.


“Receive” means making Hamburg Summit seamless Link-up with Hangzhou Summit. Germany friends said for many times that Hamburg Summit will keep consistent and continuity with Hangzhou Summit about topics for discussion and achievements. China expressed appreciation for it. We are willing to implement various achievements of Hangzhou Summit with Germany to create more favorable condition for make Summit a success.


“Carry on” is combined with the recent development of international situation, through close cooperation between China and Germany, communication and cooperation with each other make Hamburg Summit advance with the times and forge a new consensus, get new results, improve global economy governance practically, to speed up G20 change from crisis handle to long-term governance mechanism.


Wang Yi said as for China’s expect, we hope that Hamburg can give the sign of building an open global economy, maintaining free trade system, promoting globalization develop into more justice and good. We hope that Hamburg can have some new measures around innovation growth and constitution reform to provide strong power to promote global economy development. We hope Hamburg Summit can forge a new consensus of speeding up the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development agenda, helping developing countries especially African countries get rid of poverty.

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 安靜 綜合報道 余樂/譯 )

來源: 中國網    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 安靜 余樂/譯    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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