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萌萌噠動漫節開始了 杭州濱江文創更有國際范兒
Lovely animation festival began Binjiang culturaland creation become more internationally
發佈時間:2017-04-26 16:41:02    

  中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間4月26日  杭州濱江白馬湖畔,第十三屆中國國際動漫節如約而至。動漫節永久舉辦地杭州高新區(濱江),也再次成為國際動漫界的“焦點”。濱江文創,越來越有“國際范兒”;濱江文創,也已成為“國際濱”的一支生力軍。

CNCAO NEWS Beijing time on April 26th in White Horse Lake, Binjiang, Hangzhou, the thirteenth China International Animation festival began as promised. Hangzhou high-tech area (Binjiang), where the animation festival held permanently, has become the focus of the international animation industry once again. Binjiang cultural and creation has become more and more internationally, and also has become a new force of“international Bing”.



It’s said that in addition to introduce a number of cultural and creative enterprises with highly potential of development, Binjiang also strengthen the bank enterprise and capital enterprises docking to small and micro cultural and creative enterprises, expand the scale of investment and financing of these enterprises. For cultural and creative enterprise who have the willing of become a quoted company, Binjiang strengthen the training of becoming a quoted company through a variety of thematic activities. Raise public creative space, incubator and space with the characteristics of cultural creation energetically for incubation platform of cultural creation. A number of cultural and creative parks (building) such as Jiang Hong International Creative Park, Zhong Heng century science park and Mi Qu factory are effectively operating.


Culture creating more than ten years, Binjiang grow out of nothing, expand from small to big. In 2016, Gaoxin area(Binjiang) increase the industrial value of 41 billion 35 million yuan, an increase of 21.6%; 352 of cultural and creative enterprises realize the main business income of 830,620,000,00 yuan, an increase of 24.19%, the growth continues to rank the forefront of Hangzhou. The culture and creative industry with the core of animation game industry, design services, modern media industry and cultural exhibition industry has been with the information industry together, become the accelerator of Binjiang industrial transformation and upgrading, and the new engine sustained economic growth.


As the first cartoon game zone in Zhejiang province, Binjiang animation and game industry has been already layout of the overseas market, a large number of cultural and creative enterprise in Binjiang as Zoland, Dianhun Network and Sparkly Key Animation Studio walk out of the country, output soft power of Chinese culture, represent China to participate in international competition in the culture field.

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 綜合報道 黃璐/譯)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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