中國網浪潮資訊 在前幾日落幕的第50屆休斯敦國際電影節上,來自中國浙江的微電影《你好呀,自己》不僅入圍展映單元,同時也獲得了電影節的雷米獎。
CNCAO At the 50th Houston international film festival which ended several days ago, a micro film from Zhejiang China named “Me” not only was screened but also won Remi Award of the film festival.
As known, “Me” is co-produced by HZTV children’s TV and Hangzhou Guyi Cultural creativity co.,LTD.. It tells a series of stories caused by two children swap bodies.
A little boy comes from Hangzhou is a dull mathematical whiz. And the other girl comes from Taiwan who is good at singing and dancing but she can’t study well. Two children having representative significance during body-swapping can have advantages they did’ t have before and gain the sense of fulfillment. But in the end they find that the most important thing is to be yourself.
Chairman of this Huston international film festival- Hunter Todd praised it after watched the film. He thinks “Me” is a wonderful children’s micro film embodying the meaning of pursue dream and face ego. “Every film likes our child for us. We will keep encourage young people who love movies to pursue their dreams of movies.”
Huston international film festival is the independent film festival with the longest history in the world. The film festival is where famous directors like Spielberg and Ang Less won prizes for the first time. It can be called the birthplace of star directors.
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 余樂/譯)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金 余樂/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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