中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間4月29日上午,從英國倫敦出發的中歐班列裝載著400噸、價值2500萬元的貨物,結束20天的長途跋涉,順利抵達浙江義烏鐵路口岸海關監管場所。這是繼今年1月1日開行義烏至倫敦的中歐班列後,首次從倫敦開行回程班列。
CNCAO NEWS On the morning of April 29th, Beijing time, the China-Europe train starting from London, loaded with 400 tons of goods what worth $25 million, ending 20 days of trek, successfully arrived in Yiwu, Zhejiang railway port customs supervision place. This is the first return train from London, after a China-Europe train started from Yiwu to London, January 1st this year.
In order to guarantee this batch of goods of China-Europe train to be cleared by the customs quickly, Hangzhou customs customized solutions in advance to optimize the process, starting the "Highway-railway Combined Transport” clearance mode.Accelerating the cargo transfer efficiency at the same time expanding the China-Europe train radiation surface. After the clearance, these goods will reach the hands of consumers through e-commerce channel.
"Railway transportation has obvious advantages in terms of cost and time, which can save 20% of the cost compared with air transport, which can save more than 20 days compared with marine transport." Said the one of the owner of the return goods, Wang Zhangming, the CEO of Dolphin Supply Chain Company, "and the customs clearance is efficient, cargo will be able to enter the bonded logistics center for the first time, saving capital as well as let us explore the market more easily."
China-Europe train(from Yiwu to London) is just one of many China-European trains start from Yiwu. It is reported that there are many other China-Europe trains from Yiwu to Madrid, Afghanistan, Tehran, Russia, Belarus, Riga, Central Asia and other countries. According to Hangzhou customs statistics, since 2014, the China-Europe train (Yiwu) opening, there are more than 100 trains passed Yiwu. In the first quarter of 2017 Yiwu customs supervision, China-Europe trains have 2170 TEUs, with year-on-year growth of 103.6%.
(中國網作者 李斌 見習作者 安靜 綜合報道 宓文文/譯)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:李斌 見習 安靜 綜合報道 宓文文/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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