中國網浪潮資訊 據新華社報道,浙江一男子受人之托從洛杉磯機場帶16瓶總計1600粒復方甘草片入關時被海關發現,並被戴上手銬關進“小黑屋”十多個小時。他和同行的12歲女兒隨後被遣返回中國,今後五年被禁止進入美國。
CNCAO NEWS According to Xinhua News Agency, a man in Zhejiang, who was entrusted by people to bring in 16 bottles of ,a total of 1,600 grain of Compound Liquorice Tablets, was founded by the customs when he entered at the Los Angeles airport, and then, he was put on handcuffs into the "little black house" more than ten hours. Later he and his 12-year-old daughter were thrown out of the US and the next five years they were banned from entering again.
According to information released by the U.S. Customs and border protection website, if passengers need to carry drugs that may cause addiction or narcotic components, uch as some cough medicine, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, must declare to customs, At the same time, the drug should be kept in the original packaging, produce a doctor's prescription or certificate,and can only carry a reasonable dose of personal use.
The difference between Chinese and American medicine management is large, taking common drugs as examples, Compound Liquorice Tablets contains morphine, papaverine, containing narcotic ingredients, eat too much will be addictive. White and black, Tylenol, Contac, etc.which can be used to manufacture methamphetamine, can not taken large dose of them outward. In addition, any traditional Chinese medicine containing animal ingredients, such as Tiger-Bone Liquor, bear gall powder, bird's-nest, Niuhuang Jiedu Wan are contraband.
Other countries have similar regulations on drug entry, Like a cold fever medicine, cough medicine, painkillers, etc. can be taken, but must be appropriate, do not exceed the dose of their own. In addition, if you want to bring prescription drugs, remember to prepare Chinese and English prescriptions or instructions and purchase invoices, and take the initiative to declare to the customs. If you still worried about this, the airline staff suggests, consult the airline after booking the ticket. They'll tell you what procedures need to be done.
(中國網作者 李斌 見習作者 安靜 綜合報道 鮑夢依/譯)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:李斌 見習 安靜 綜合報道 鮑夢依/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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