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杭州大運河遺産保護條例五一實施 這九種行為最高罰5萬
The World Heritage Site of the Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou protection ordinance will start in the May Day.
發佈時間:2017-04-30 13:53:34    

  中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間4月28日下午,作者從有關部門獲悉,《杭州市大運河世界文化遺産保護條例》將於“五一”正式實施,杭州市運河綜保中心開展普法宣傳活動,呼籲市民遊客保護運河從自身做起,並鼓勵大家加入美麗運河志願者隊伍。

CNCAO NEWS  In the afternoon on April 28th Beijing Time, the reporter learned from the relevant department that The World Heritage Site of the Grand Canal between Beijing and

Hangzhou protection ordinance will start formally in the May Day. The Hangzhou Canal comprehensive protection center carries out the activity of promotion of legal knowledge, calling on the citizens and travelers to protect the canal from themselves and encourages folks to be volunteers for the beautiful canal.



It is reported that the ordinance show the protection of the legacy of the grand canal which are listed into the cultural heritage elements of the grand canal, such as the grand canal river, bridge, pier site, the site of the water conservancy project, the accessory remnants and historical culture blocks. The following nine behaviors are expressly forbidden, if someone violate them, he will be fined severely. And the fine can be up to 50,000 yuan.



First, engraving, painting, damaging, repairing or demolishing unmovable cultural relics without authorization;


Second, to damage the site of the grand canal;


Third, to damage the water conservancy project facilities such as the dam, the bank, the hydrology, water quality and meteorological monitoring facilities, communication, lighting facilities, the protection and warning facilities;


Fourth, to occupy, fill, circle, cover water, or excavate channels without authorization;


Fifth, to carry out blasting, drilling, excavating or mining, quarrying and collecting soil without authorization;



Sixth, dumping wastes, silt, mud, engineering refuse and other wastes into the water or on the slope;


Seventh, to discharge and dump sewage into the canal or to wash the instruments, vehicles, containers or other objects that pollute water in the channel


Eighth, swimming, fishing and illegally fishing of aquatic animals in the banned water area;


Ninth, other behaviors of destruction of the grand canal and its landscape.

  (中國網作者 李斌 見習作者 安靜 綜合報道 耿凱寧/譯)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:李斌 見習 安靜 綜合報道 耿凱寧/譯    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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