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染色、刺繡 一位中亞姑娘在浙江非遺生活館的難忘體驗
Dyeing and embroidery,the unforgettable experience of the girl from Central Asian in Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Herita
發佈時間:2017-04-28 18:22:37    

  中國網浪潮資訊  “沒想到平時常見的一些植物都能用來染色,太有意思了。”北京時間4月27日,在浙江非遺生活館體驗蕭山過江布的染色工藝之後,來自中亞的土庫曼姑娘巴耶娃不禁感慨到。

CNCAO NEWS  "I did not expect some of the usual plants to be used for dyeing, that's too interesting."On April 27th Beijing time,After experiencing the dyeing process of Xiaoshan GuoJiang cloth in Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Heritage Living Museum,Turkmenistan girl from Central Asia, Baeva can not help signing with emotion.

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(the picture from the network)

  在蕭山過江布技藝傳承人楊潔的指導下,巴耶娃很快就把一塊純棉的白手帕染上了喜歡的顏色和圖案。巴耶娃和同學又迫不及待地去往下一個展位學刺繡。 他人介紹千遍,不如自己體驗一次。楊潔告訴作者,這種現場互動體驗的模式,也帶動了他們産品的銷售。 在不改變傳統技藝精髓的基礎上,進行一些與時俱進的修改,使傳統技藝重新融入現代生活,更容易被大家所接受甚至喜愛,這是推廣宣傳非遺保護的良方。

Under the guidance of Yang Jie,the Inheritor of Xiaoshan Guojiang cloth technique,Baeva quickly put a cotton white handkerchief with the color and pattern she loved.Baeva and her classmates could not wait to go to the next booth to learn embroidery.Compared to others to introduce a thousand times, it is better to experience by own.Yang Jie told reporters,this mode of live interactive experience, also led to the sale of their products.On the basis of not changing the essence of traditional art,make some changes keep up with the times, so that the traditional art can integrate into modern life,become more easily accepted and even loved by the people ,which is a good  way to promote the protection of intangible cultural heritage.

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(the picture from the network)


"To make the intangible cultural heritage to be well inherited,the first of all to make more people interested."Fu Mengfan,the booth supervisor,said,in order to make the traditional cloth into the modern life,they combine traditional craftsmanship with modern technology,fully integrated life aesthetics, Chinese fashion and creative experience,make handcraft into life,and tell the story of homespun cloth well,which has received a good effect.

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(the picture from the network)


It is understood,Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Heritage Living Museum,as the 12th China (Yiwu) Cultural Products Fair special exhibition,under the theme"reproduction, reproduction and regeneration",strengthen the integration of life, business and media,Zhejiang intangible cultural heritage list, "Weaving, knitting, dyeing, embroidery"as the main content of the project to display,hundreds of inheritors of intangible cultural heritage will also visit the scene,make Live interaction with people, and it will makes the intangible cultural heritage into people's fashion life.

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 綜合報道 鮑夢依/譯)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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