中國網浪潮資訊 近日,在浙江省嘉興市秀洲區新塍古鎮取景拍攝的電影《散養時代》成功入圍著名的美國第50屆休斯頓國際電影節主競賽單元,榮獲劇情長片單元家庭倫理類金雷米獎。接下來,該影片也將在國內各大院線進行公映。
CNCAO NEWS Recently, the film “The Swinging Days” shot in Xincheng ancient town, Xiuzhou district of Jiaxing City competed in the 59th US Houston international film festival’s main competition successfully. It won family ethic-rated gold Remi award of feature film unit. Next the film will be released in cinemas in China.
In recent years, Xincheng town pays high attention to development of cultural industries, combining unique resource of the province-level historical and cultural ancient blocks, cooperating with movie sets, creatively bringing the concept “film culture creation” combines protection and development of ancient towns. Expand “film block of ancient town” creation year by year by rebuilding pilot project. And make the cultural industries active in the ancient town, make stimulating tourism and creating business climate to realize, take characteristic new type road of development of film-induced tourism in the ancient town.
Introduced by head of Xincheng town Cultural Station- Gao Yunhua, since movie sets entered Xincheng town, series of movies and TVs like “The Swinging Days”, “A Innocent Man”, “Top Secret Sniper” have been spot in the ancient town. The beautiful view of Xincheng ancient town becomes “frequent caller” in television and film screens. “The republic town” scenic spot created by Xincheng movie set has been a characteristic card of Xincheng ancient town’s tourism, attracting many Zhejiang province and overseas tourists to visit every year.
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 安靜 綜合報道 余樂/譯)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 安靜 余樂/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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