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從産品走出去到資本走出去 看這5年浙江的開放路
Viewing the open road in Zhejiang for five years based on product exports to capital exports
發佈時間:2017-05-04 15:52:10    

        中國網浪潮資訊 近日,浙江省出臺《加快培育浙江本土民營跨國公司三年行動計劃》,以推進更高層次的開放型經濟,更好地助力浙江“走出去”,據悉,2012年以來,從産品走出去,到資本走出去,“浙江例子”始終走在中國前列。

  CNCAO NEWS Recently,Zhejiang has released “a three-year action plan for accelerating the local private multinationals in Zhejiang”, so as to promote a higher level of open economy, and boost Zhejiang "going out" proposal. It is reported that since 2012, from product exports to capital exports, “Zhejiang example" has always been in the forefront of China.

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  Geely bought Volvo, Jayson Electronics bought the Automotive Industry Giants in America and Germany... Since 2013, a total of 409 mergers and acquisitions were made in Zhejiang, with a combined record of $15 billion, the developed countries up to 80%, like Europe, the United States, Japan etc. More than 70% concentrated in the automotive and parts, mechanical and electrical equipment, bio-medicine and other advanced manufacturing industries. Cross-border mergers and acquisitions cultivate the Wanxiang, Geely, Wanfeng and a number of local multinational companies through the integration of foreign advanced technology, high-end brands, marketing network, become a powerful tool that makes the Zhejiang industry move up the value chain.



  It has been a "golden age" for Zhejiang enterprises going out since 2012, which has made the leap from product exports to capital exports. At present, Zhejiang province has covered 142 countries and regions, with a total of us $61.03 billion in foreign direct investment over the past five years, an average annual growth of 45.8%.



  After the state council's approval of the “development plan for Zhejiang Zhou Shan Archipelago New Area”, Zhou Shan Archipelago New Area has become the first national new area with the theme of Marine economy in China. International trains from Yiwu to Madrid, Spain, Hangzhou set up the country's first Cross-border E-commerce comprehensive pilot area, the G20 Hangzhou summit has drawn worldwide attention, and the recent official establishment of Zhejiang free trade zone. The past five years, located in the East China Sea coast, Zhejiang extended market with the strong bones and muscles, set up open development milestones, set off "Zhejiang tide" facing competition among the world, became the "vanguard" of the China development and opening.

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 安靜 綜合報道 袁旭寧/譯)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 安靜 袁旭寧/譯    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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