中國網浪潮資訊 “以往,船東靠聘請師傅到秘魯指導修船,碰到疑難雜症往往弄得焦頭爛額。現在有了來自家鄉的專業維修隊,我們在境外修船心裏真是踏實多了。”北京時間5月2日20時許,正在修理250KW發電機的舟山遠洋漁船維修隊王波高興地説。
CNCAO NEWS “In the past,shipowner needed to hire master to Peru to guide the ship-repair, often tired up with the difficult problems. Now there is a professional maintenance team from home, When we were in the repair of the ship we would feel better”.On May 2th about 20 o'clock,Beijing time,Wang Bo, Zhoushan ocean fishing boat repair team, which is repairing the 250KW generator, said happily.
A large number of fishing boats in order to reduce production costs,one after another to the South American countries Peru for ship repairing, material supply and personnel transfer.However, there are a lot of obstacles in terms of language communication, operating habits, work ideas and the understanding of the pipeline equipment of the local naval shipyard and the Zhoushan business owners,the quality and progress of ship repair are far behind domestic.
It is understood that this year the first batch of a total of 10 motor, cold welding, pipe repair,with rich experience in ocean fishing vessel maintenance,arrived in Chippote on April 29, Beijing time,for the early arrival of 19 Zhoushan City ocean fishing boats to provide land and sea tracking services.There are 6 technical workers fully equipped for the follow-up.
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 鮑夢依/譯)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金 鮑夢依/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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