中國網浪潮資訊 紐約當地時間5月5日下午,浙江溫州醫科大學校長呂帆教授在聯合國總部做專題報告,介紹中國醫療和醫學教育。這是該校加入聯合國“學術影響力”項目(United Nations Academic Impact Program, UNAIP)之後在國際舞臺上的“首秀”。
CNCAO NEWS On the afternoon of May 5 in New York, Professor Lv Fan, the headmaster of Wenzhou Medical University, has made a special speech in the United Nations Headquarters to introduce China's medical system and medical education. This is the "first show" since the university took part in United Nations Academic Impact Program(UNAIP).
This activity is developed by United Nations Chinese group, initiated by the director of United Nations Chinese group and acquirer of "award of United Nations in 21 century"(created by Curie, the current Secretary General of the United Nations, in 1996). As part of the reform, this award aimed at praising Dr.He Yong, who has made excellent work in innovating and promoting the work efficiency in projects and services of U.N. There are as many as over 30 people from United Nations Chinese Group, New York State University, New York Confucius Institute and Sino American Joint attending this activity.
( 中國網作者 楊雲寒 實習生 沈艷 孫吳琦/譯)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:楊雲寒 實習生 沈艷 孫吳琦/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
新聞投稿 新聞熱線:13157110107
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