中國網浪潮資訊 近日,亞太森林恢復與可持續管理項目在中國臨安落地,臨安成為浙江省該項目首批實施的試點示範地區,總面積60公頃。
CNCAO NEWS Recently,the Asia - Pacific forest rehabilitation and sustainable management projects is implemented in Ling'an, China.Lin'an became the first pilot demonstration area of this project in Zhejiang Province,with a total area of 60 hectares.
In the next two years, Lin'an City Linglong street Gaoyuan village, Taihuyuan town Jinxiu village and Yuqian town Qiankou Village will carry out"Rocky Mountain Forest Restoration and cooperatives intensive management demonstration" and "serious degradation of Chinese fir plantation restoration and sustainable management demonstration" and "natural forest function recovery model and experimental demonstration of three demonstration activities.
It is understood that the purpose of the Asia-Pacific Forest Restoration and Sustainable Management Organization is to promote and enhance the level of forest restoration and sustainable management in the Asia-Pacific region through capacity-building, information sharing, regional policy dialogue and pilot projects and other means,in order to achieve the goal of reaching 20 million hectares of forest area in the APEC region by 2020.
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 鮑夢依/譯)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金 鮑夢依/譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
新聞投稿 新聞熱線:13157110107
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