The morning of June 7, domestic first case in which use artificial intelligence program as the court clerk to complete the record – Someone surnamed Xuan who had a dangerous driving—holding a hearing in Hangzhou Xihu People's Court.
Since from August 2014, the Zhejiang High Court to effectively ease the case burden, forcing the trial to be standard and efficient by first replacing the court clerk by record in the country, which has significantly improved the quality and efficiency of trial. During January to May this year, court cases replaced court clerks by record had reached total of 108,000, accounting for about 52.3%.
For further liberation from court clerks and convenience for judges in the second instance towards first instance court trials, High Court in Zhejiang province makes full use of the existing hearing device and started using Ai program from May this year. Users simply click client-sides on the desktop; Ai will automatically indicate the spokesman role based on pre-set and accurately differentiate trial statements and speeches.
It is understood that apart from the trial record, in the future, artificial intelligence will be trialed in the fields like 12368 judicial service hotline, mediation, collegiate, CRIC, etc.(吳東東/譯)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:中國網綜合 | 責編:fuwen 審核:張淵
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