Recently, a piece of news is popular in Wechat, after June 1st, temporary residence permit will stop transacting and people who live without residence may be sent back to the domicile place. Suddenly, people are getting together to transact temporary residence permits.
This situation appears in all police stations in Hangzhou recently. Why do people all transact residence permit at the same time? Reporters know from several people transacting residence permit that many people hear the news that after June 1st, temporary residence permit will stop transacting and people who live without residence may be sent back to the domicile place, so they have to pinch points to transact the permit.
不過,作者向杭州市公安局方面求證獲悉,這個説法是謠言,杭州市各個派出所及辦證服務點6月1日後均照常受理相關辦證業務。(作者 趙皓月綜合報道/顧遠 譯)
However, Hangzhou Public Security Bureau informs that this argument is a rumor, the police stations in Hangzhou and permit offices of the card service point accept the relevant business as usual after June 1st.
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:中國網綜合 | 責編:fuwen 審核:張淵
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