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全網媒體力推天貓雙11 共創全球狂歡節
Whole network media push Tmall 11.11 shopping day to create global Carnival
發佈時間:2017-10-27 15:55:33    

中國網浪潮資訊  天貓雙11已不僅是全球消費者和商家的狂歡日,更是整個網際網路數字媒體們全情狂歡的盛會。10月20日零點開始,隨天貓雙11全球狂歡節預售啟幕,全網媒體流量紛紛涌入天貓,並將核心資源傾囊相授。

Tmall 11.11 shopping day is not only a carnival for global consumers and businesses, but also a carnival for the entire Internet digital media. In October 20th 11, time start from zero, with the Tmall global Carnival pre-sale activity’s curtain raised, the whole network flow media flocked to Tmall, and will teach the core resources.


This includes Baidu, Sohu, NetEase, today's headlines and more than 70 domestic mainstream digital media, partners, and millions of customers, personal webmaster, they take the initiative to embrace Tmall 11.11 shopping day, to create a global carnival. Tmall 11.11 connects Ali e-commerce platform and the power of the entire Chinese digital media ecology, and the whole network media together to enable businesses to achieve big data driven product promotion, consumer operations and brand building.

  線上線下核心入口矩陣全覆蓋 流量、資源齊涌入

  Online and offline core entrance matrix full coverage, traffic and resource influx


Media matrix Alibaba group layout of the whole network core entrance based on double 11 this commercial polymerization cycle, Tmall and Ali strong business ability has attracted the whole network traffic and resources into the whole network traffic a strong base for this carnival play.


This includes the entrance, manufacturers, information, desktop, shopping guide, tools and social flow, the latest trends in the live video, the Reds flow, at the same time, through online and offline OTT television media resources are constantly influx, truly realize billion screen celebration.


Behind the whole network traffic into, is more abundant in scene coverage, which includes a search engine side of the scene, both in traffic share, or through the replacement of brand advertising resources, has occupied the leading position; but also includes innovation and firm transport mode attempt, such as cooperation with OPPO and other manufacturers, occupied the market share of the application; more importantly, with the portal, video and other media into the mouth in-depth cooperation, effective realization of the rational allocation of the media resources, almost the whole network traffic and attracted to the scene.


At the same time, in the trend of content marketing, Ali also through the depth cooperation with today's headlines, seize the market opportunities and share.


For consumers, this full network coverage to create a strong atmosphere of the carnival, the user's shopping behavior not only exists in the shopping platform, everywhere in the social, entertainment, news and other scenes to meet the shopping experience.


  Whole network participation highlights 11.11 day’s huge business value


In fact, all embracing the Tmall 11.11 global carnival is more than online traffic, and the offline scene is already ready. During the Tmall double 11 global carnival, nearly 100 thousand stores per day, 400 universities in the country and tens of thousands of agents will be the booster of the double 11 carnival.


The whole network media gathered in Tmall 11.11 shopping day, not only bring huge flow of hitherto unknown, more concern is that many brands and businesses through the 11.11 shopping carnival, collected hundreds of millions of consumers browse, collection of shops; plus the shopping cart, the purchase of goods; evaluation of injection shop, store loyalty fans accumulated precipitation; users to obtain, store and brand of consumer assets growing.


Tmall 11.11 and the Ali economy behind it are prompting users, media, brands and platforms to form a new value relationship in the global shopping carnival.

  (作者 張淵 李斌 報道 翻譯 宓文文)

來源: 中國網    | 作者: 張淵 李斌 報道 翻譯 宓文文    | 責編:張雲松    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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