From the 10th, exams of trinity of 8 high-level universities in Zhejiang has carried out.
In the 4 ones who carried out trinity on 10th, Tsinghua is the only one without written test. Cui Kai, chairman of the college’s Zhejiang students recruitment group, said that in the first exam of trinity in Zhejiang, Tsinghua will substitute scores of CEE for grade of written exam, the over 300 examinees who have passed the preliminary examination will directly enter the oral quiz.
Way of Tsinghua’s oral quiz is full of engineering style. There are not only questions which have been prepared for every examinees to answer, but also random ones from examiners. In concrete, every examinee will face to 3-5 examiners from Tsinghua, and the 12 minutes will be divided to 4 3-minutes. In the first two, all examinees will face with two same questions, and they need to talk about their own perspectives for 2-3 minutes. The third one is an alternative, and it will be sortilege by the examinees. And in the last 3 minutes, the examiners may ask questions according to examinees’ answers of the former questions or their personal resumes.
Cui said that if you are examiners for medicine, you will need to add one more question: to write an article in 500-800 words, whose theme is medical profession.
On the afternoon of 11th, written exams of Peking and Fudan University has separately begun.(鄒婧穎 譯)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:中國網綜合 | 責編:趙皓月 審核:張淵
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