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浙江5月份CPI漲幅低於全國平均 豬肉漲價最多
Zhejiang May CPI increase is lower than the national level and pork price increase most
發佈時間:2016-06-10 19:21:20    

  On June 9th, China National Bureau of Statistics announced that the consumer prices (CPI)’s general level in May 2016 rise 2% year-on-year (compared with the same period last year). This afternoon, the reporter learns from the National Bureau of Statistics survey corps in Zhejiang that in May, Zhejiang CPI rise 1.5% year-on-year and the increase range reduce 0.5% compared with April, lower than the national average level.
  The major factors deciding the CPI trend are food prices, especially grain, meat and vegetable prices, the service price which are influenced by the labor cost, and upstream industrial consumer goods prices related with consumption. In May, tobacco and food prices rise 4.5%. Among them, the livestock and meat prices rise 21.1% (the price of pork rise 29.8%), fresh vegetable prices rise 7.6 percent, aquatic products prices rise 2.4%, grain prices rise 0.7%, egg prices fall 2.9%, and fresh fruit prices fall 8.8%. However, compared with the previous month, meat prices rise 1%, fresh vegetable prices fall 20%.
  The National Bureau of statistics City Department Senior Statistician Yu QiuMei analysis, compared with April, CPI growth range falls 0.5%, mainly because of the fresh vegetable prices falling. At the beginning of this year, the cold weather hit most areas of our country and affected the production and transportation of fresh vegetables. The fresh vegetables’ prices are very high, compared to the same period last year, it rise more. With seasonal vegetable market, market supply gradually increases, the price of fresh vegetables is tend to be normal.
  此外,5月份,其他七大類價格同比六漲一降。其中,教育文化和娛樂、其他用品和服務、衣著、醫療保健、居住、生活用品及服務價格上漲,交通和通信價格下降。(作者 楊雲寒綜合報道/顧遠 譯)
  In addition, in May, six of the other seven kinds of prices rise and one of them falls year-on-year. Among them, education and culture and entertainment, other supplies and services, clothing, health care, living, living supplies and services prices increase, transportation and communication prices fall.

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合    | 責編:徐攀    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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