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發表于:2023-06-13 16:49  作者:唐義瑞  來源:中國網韻動安徽  責任編輯:唐義瑞





Thousands of miles of Dabie Mountain, the main peak is in Huoshan.

Huoshan is located in the west of Anhui Province, in the hinterland of Dabie Mountain, and in the upstream of the Pi River, a primary tributary of the Huai River, with a forest coverage rate of 76.18%.It has"golden cards" for tourism, such as natural oxygen bar county of China, national leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration county, excellent water source of China, photographer base of China, the first national all-domain tourism demonstration zone, the first batch of strong tourism counties in Anhui Province, and red tourism county in Anhui Province.

In recent years, the county takes"tourism flourishing county" as the main development strategy, with the goal of creating a health resort, implements the construction of"panoramic Huoshan" and"all-region tourism"vigorously, and the county's tourism industry has developed rapidly. Within the territory of 1777meters above sea level, the main peak of the Dabie mountain White Horse Peak is full of towering rocks and beautiful peaks.The"Ancient South Mountain" granted by Emperor Wu of Han is a place endowed with the fine spirits of the universe, Tongluozhai, known as the"Small Yellow Mountain in the North of the River" is steep and beautiful. The Foziling Reservoir Dam, the"First Dam in New China" is vigorous and powerful.  The"Little Hengdian",Sixty Thousand Love Gorge in Huoshan, a newly popular scenic spot, is brilliant and colorful. The drifting in Huoshan Grand Canyon is breathtaking. In addition, it also has the most mysterious grand canyon in East China - Longjing Gorge. The largest wine culture experience museum in East China - Yingjia Wine Culture Museum, and Dabie Mountain Fairy Chong Painter Village, Moon Bay Writer Village of China, Ridge Mountain Photographer Village of China and many other scenic spots.

Huoshan has beautiful natural scenery and numerous cultural landscapes. Its beautiful mountains, clear water, the spirit of the ground and numerous sceneries are amazing, just like a bright pearl embedded in the towering Dabie Mountain.










