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國際絲綢聯盟將制定絲綢LCA評價標準 推動全球絲綢産業可持續發展
中國網 · 通訊員 李啟正 | 發佈時間2022-01-21 16:44:32    


On January 18, 2022, in order to promote the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the international silk industry and effectively carry out the Life Cycle Assessment of full industry chain of sericulture & silk, International Silk Union (ISU) held the "The LCA Working Group Meeting of Full Industry Chain of Sericulture & Silk" online. More than 50 experts, scholars and enterprise representatives from 7 countries and regions including China, Italy, France, Brazil, India, Japan and Pakistan attended the meeting. The conference was supported by industry organizations such as the International Sericultural Commission (ISC), Ufficio Italiano Seta (UIS), INTERSOIE France, Brazilian Silk Association (ABRASEDA).

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  國際絲綢聯盟副主席、中國工程院院士、浙江理工大學校長、國家蠶桑産業體系“蠶絲綜合利用”崗位科學家陳文興,國際蠶業委員會秘書長Rajit Ranjan Okhandiar、項目總協調Dileep Kumar R,國際絲綢聯盟副主席、義大利絲綢協會會長Stefano Vitali、秘書長Guido Tettamanti,義大利絲綢創新中心負責人Graziano Elegir,法國絲綢協會秘書長Anne-Cecile Caschera,國際絲綢聯盟副主席、巴西絲綢協會會長Renata Amano,巴西絲綢谷項目負責人Joao Berdu,印度中央蠶絲局紡織部主任Sivaprasad,印度中央蠶絲局研究員Amit Kumar,日本丸八生糸株式會社董事Yusuke Shiojiri,巴基斯坦農業大學副教授Assad Farooq,巴基斯坦巴哈丁拉齊大學博士Azmat Hussain,中國浙江理工大學國際絲綢學院副院長蘇淼,國際絲綢聯盟教育科研專委會副主任鄭今歡,中國東華大學教授丁雪梅,中國蘇州大學副教授許建梅、中國浙江理工大學副教授王來力等出席會議。國際絲綢聯盟秘書長李啟正主持會議。

Chen Wenxing, vice chairman of ISU, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, president of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, scientist of the “silk comprehensive utilization” of the National Sericulture Industry System, Rajit Ranjan Okhandiar, secretary general of the ISC, Dileep Kumar R, programme coordinator of ISC, Stefano Vitali, vice chairman of ISU, president of UIS, Guido Tettamanti, secretary general of UIS, Graziano Elegir, head of Italy Silk Division of Innovhub, Anne-Cecile Caschera, secretary general of INTERSOIE France, Renata Amano, vice chairman of ISU, president of ABRASEDA, Joao Berdu, project manager of Vale da Seda, Sivaprasad, director of Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Amit Kumar, scientist of Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Yusuke Shiojiri, board member of Maruhachi Kiito Co. Ltd., Assad Farooq, associate professor of Pakistan University of Agriculture, Azmat Hussain, doctor of Bahauddine Zakariya University in Pakistan, Su Miao, vice dean of International Institute of Silk of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University in China, Zheng Jinhuan, vice director of ISU Education Research Professional Committee, Ding Xuemei, professor of Donghua University in China, Xu Jianmei, associate professor of Soochow University in China, Wang Laili, associate professor of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University in China, etc. attended the meeting. Li Qizheng, secretary general of ISU, presided over the meeting.

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In order to carry out the work more effectively, ISU is actively preparing to establish a working group for the life cycle assessment of full industry chain of sericulture & silk, and invited the Prof. Chen Wenxing to serve as the leader of the working group. Chen Wenxing expressed that green revolution and low-carbon economy are the inevitable trend of the current manufacturing transformation and upgrading, silk has good environmental friendliness in the full life cycle. It is hoped that through this working group meeting, a consensus will be reached on the research framework, and the follow-up research will be guided. As the group leader, he will do a good job in coordinating the work to ensure that relevant research can receive more support.

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Adhering to sustainable development and achieving carbon neutrality have become the consensus and focus of competition in the international silk industry. On June 10, 2021, ISU hosted the “2021 International Think Tank Forum on Silk Sustainable Development”, and jointly issued the "Proposal for the Comprehensive and Objective Assessment of Life Cycle of Silk Products" with ISC, UIS, INTERSOIE France and ABRASEDA, actively promotes the Life Cycle Assessment of silk products. Li Qizheng reviewed the Progress on Silk Sustainable Promoting of ISU. So far, ISU actively builds a platform, gathers experts and scholars in the field of silk sustainability from various countries, provides support in industrial research, academic research, theme seminars, publicity and promotion, etc., and jointly promotes silk LCA research, aiming to maintain the sustainable image of silk.

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Stefano Vitali 《絲綢産業的可持續發展》

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丁雪梅 《絲綢産品全生命週期環境表現核算與評價》

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Joao Berdu《絲綢與聯合國可持續發展目標》

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Amit Kumar《印度桑蠶絲生命週期評價方法研究框架》

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Graziano Elegir 《義大利絲綢生命週期評價研究框架與進展》

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The meeting reached a basic consensus on the Guideline of Life Cycle Assessment of Full Industry Chain of Sericulture & Silk. It is hoped that to integrate the industrial situation of silk producing countries, form a unified reference standard, normative the research framework, and gradually promote the sustainable work of silk.

來源:中國網    | 撰稿:通訊員 李啟正    | 責編:俞舒珺    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    

來源:中國網    | 撰稿:通訊員 李啟正    | 責編:俞舒珺    審核:張淵
