




  After more than 9 years, Federal Reserve officially restarts interest rate raising cycle. Affected by this, RMB ’ s spot exchange rate against the dollar decreases for the 10th day in the onshore market and totally fells more than 100 points, it’s the first time in the past eight years. In offshore market, RMB ’ s spot exchange rate against the dollar fells nearly 400 points, the spread between the two places expands to around 800 points.




  Some insiders worry that because of the departure of China's monetary policy and America, more funds are out from China, RMB depreciation pressure may be serious.




  Market participant says, with the interest rate hikes, narrowed interest margins between China and America may bring more RMB pressure and elasticity of exchange rate maybe further increase. And RMB may fluctuate larger in short time, but RMB will depreciate temperately with Central bank’s guiding. In medium and long term, RMB against a basket of currencies continues to stabilize


  北京師範大學金融係教授鐘偉表示,不必對波幅擴大過度解讀,維持名義匯率的窄幅波動並不應成為政策目標,而實際有效匯率的靈活、雙向波動,才應該成為常態化的目標。(作者:俞舒珺實習作者:陳雨薇 綜合報道/顧遠 譯)


  Professor of finance, Beijing Normal University, Zhong Wei says, we don’t need to over interpret the fluctuation expanding. Maintain the narrow range of nominal rate fluctuations should not be a policy objective, and the actual effective exchange rate’s flexibility, two-way volatility are the things should become the norm of the target.

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