當地時間5月5日至10日,中國國家主席習近平應邀對法國、塞爾維亞、匈牙利進行國事訪問,元首外交進入“歐洲時刻”。圍繞習主席此次出訪,北京外國語大學歐盟與區域發展研究中心主任崔洪建在接受中新網採訪時表示,中歐在反對霸權主義、堅持實現多極化發展等方面,有著強烈且清晰的共識。當前,中歐互為最重要的貿易夥伴之一,中歐的經貿合作展現出強大韌性。尤其是面對不斷變化的世界,歐洲加強與中國合作及協調的願望和需求不斷上升。 Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visits to France, Serbia, and Hungary from May 5 to 10 are regarded as a pivotal "European moment" in head-of-state diplomacy. Cui Hongjian, an expert from Beijing Foreign Studies University, said that both China and Europe share a strong consensus on countering hegemony and pursuing multi-polarization, while their economic cooperation remains resilient, with Europe demonstrating a growing willingness to collaborate with China.