奧裏特•阿瑟瑞 部分作品

時間:2010-06-09 15:33:28 | 來源:藝術中國

100% Human, dyed real human hair, fabric, thread 120x80cm 2008


Ashery has been working with hair as a material and a referent, in various projects and contexts. 100% Human, 2008-9, are three rugs; blond, black and patterned coloured. Ashery made the rugs from real human hair. Apart from the historical associations of human hair in relation the holocaust, the rugs were made whilst thinking about the changing value and economy of real hair today, as it is taken away from people and used for fashion and art.




Returning, interactive space

回歸, 互動空間

Returning is an interactive space where visitors wear a blind fold and draw their childhood bedroom from memory and leave a sentence next to it. The final drawings tend to have gaps between the lines in what meant to have been continuous shapes, and are akin to gaps in the processes of memorising a space and a time. The piece is potent in relation to movements of people and immigration, many people today do not leave where they spent their childhood. This also refers to the Universal Human right of people to return to their birth place.



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