奧裏特•阿瑟瑞 部分作品

時間:2010-06-09 15:33:28 | 來源:藝術中國

Guardian of the City II, digital print, 40 cm long, 2008


Part of a series of model posing as anti Zionist Orthodox Jews, with a Free Palestine badge ( Based on the real group called Neturai Karta, Gurdians of the City ( from Aramic), which are orthodox Jews who are opposed to the state of Israel.

作品中的模特一部分裝扮成反猶太複國主義的東正教猶太人,並佩戴自由巴勒斯坦徽章(以真實團體“反猶太複國運動”為基礎,反猶太複國運動,“Neturai Karta”在阿拉米語中意為聖城保衛者),他們是反對以色列建國的正統猶太人。


Why Does he Make Work?, Video loop, 1 minute, Colour and B&W, Silent, 2008


This short quizzical video features Ashery wearing a big Turban on her head. To the question why does he makes work? Ashery gestures in hand movements indicating that she does not know, the hand gestures are those associated with animated Jewish and Mediterranean body language. The answer to the question is something to do with the need to dress up as a man and to foreground Semitic forms of references.




Semitic Score, Video loop, 12.09 minutes, Colour, Spoken English, 2010

閃米特人的記錄 視頻錄影 12.09分鐘 彩色 有聲英語 2010

An experimental video depicting found footage, as well as Ashery’s alter ego, the Orthodox Jew Marcus Fisher, with two cats and a toy panther. Marcus performs a set of instructions in a messy cellar. The instructions are one minute long each and are divided by a sound of a gong. The sound, told with manipulated voices like that of a child, include actions such as crawl, beat yourself up, spit, burn, suck and swear. Influenced by Fluxes scores for actions, these Semitic instructions engender a projected image of a Middle Eastern psyche.



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