奧裏特•阿瑟瑞 部分作品

時間:2010-06-09 15:33:28 | 來源:藝術中國

After Duchamp, silver gelatine negative, Lambda print, 70cmx46.86cm, 2000

倣杜尚 銀版白明膠 負片 照片印刷 70cmx46.86cm 2000

Based on a photograph of Marcel Duchamp, by Man Ray, Tonsure, Duchamp's, where Duchamp is seen with a pipe and a 5 points star shaved on his head, on a train back to Paris. Ashery went to the artist and barber, Faisal Abdu'Allah who shaved a star-of –David and an African hair pattern into her head.

此作品以曼雷拍攝杜尚的照片為基礎,照片中的杜尚拿著煙斗坐在回巴黎的火車上,他剃掉頭髮,頭上剔出一顆五角星。阿瑟瑞找到藝術家兼理髮師Faisal Abdu'Allah,給自己剃出一顆大衛之星(大衛王的星狀盾牌, 猶太民族的象徵,六芒星形狀),並在她頭上做出一個非洲人的髮型圖案。


Marcus, Throwing Cigarettes into the Sea, lambda print, 50/33cm, 2002

早年馬庫斯 往海裏扔香煙 列印照片 50/33cm 2002


Marcus, Curl, lambda print,30x42cm, 2003

馬庫斯,卷髮,照片列印,30x42cm, 2003


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